Our Mission

At the National Union of Twinks, we believe that all people deserve to live free of prejudice. Unfortunately, many in society face unjust discrimination for being a twink. This usually takes the form of homophobia, misogyny, or body shaming.

The NUT challenges these behaviours, and promotes the end of all forms of bigotry and prejudice which can make others uncomfortable or feel unwelcome. Especially within the LGBTQ community, twinks often face internalised homophobia and are said to be 'too gay' or 'too feminine' or to make the community look bad.

The NUT hopes to wipe-out twinkphobia in all of its forms, so that twinks, and other members of the LGBTQ community, can be themselves without fear of prejudice.

Our aims are set out in our constitution, and are:
A. To encourage equal rights and opportunities for twinks within wider society;
B. To provide a forum for discussion of the issues affecting twinks;
C. To promote the eradication of bigotry and prejudice, especially against the LGBTQ community; and,
D. To promote the wellbeing and welfare of twinks.