The Union shall be called the National Union of Twinks.ARTICLE II. AIMS
The aims of the Union shall be as follows:A. To encourage equal rights and opportunities for twinks within wider society;
B. To provide a forum for discussion of the issues affecting twinks;
C. To promote the eradication of bigotry and prejudice, especially against the LGBTQ community; and,
D. To promote the wellbeing and welfare of twinks.
1. Twink Membership. Any twink ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom may join the union as a Twink member.2. Solidarity Membership. Other persons may join the union as a Solidarity Member, if they agree with the union’s aims..
3. Rights of Classes of Members. The entitlement to hold office, to elect the officers and to vote on amendments to the constitution shall be reserved to Twink Members. Both Twink and Solidarity Members shall be entitled to attend events hosted by the Union. Any member of a class of membership shall be treated equally to all other members of that class.
4. Term of Membership. The term of Twink and Solidarity Memberships shall commence upon the enrolment of the member’s name on the membership roll and shall continue until they choose to terminate their membership, change their membership type, or are expelled from the Union.
1. Annual General Meeting. The Union shall hold an Annual General Meeting no later than the last day of March in each calendar year for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports from officers, considering amendments to this Constitution, reapproving this Constitution, and for any other business that may arise. The Committee shall fix the date for the Annual General Meeting by resolution and shall provide members with at least ten-days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting by electronic mail.2. Extraordinary General Meetings. The Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time and shall provide at least ten-days’ notice of said Extraordinary General Meeting to members by electronic mail. The Committee shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting if presented with a petition signed by at least fifteen members, and shall provide at least ten-days’ notice of said Extraordinary General Meeting to members by electronic mail.
3. Quorum. Ten members shall constitute a quorum to do business at a General Meeting.
4. Chair. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the President shall serve as chair of a General Meeting if they is willing and able to take the chair. If the President is not willing or able to take the chair, an elected officer, in the order listed in Article V, shall take the chair. If no elected officer is willing and able to take the chair, the General Meeting shall elect a temporary chairperson. No person who intends to seek election to any post available at a General Meeting shall take the chair at that General Meeting.
5. Minutes. The Secretary shall maintain adequate records of the proceedings of each General Meeting. If the Secretary is unable or unwilling to maintain such records, or if the Secretary intends to seek election to any post available at a General Meeting, they shall appoint an acting recording secretary to maintain such records.
1. Elected Officers. There shall be the following elected officers, who shall have the duties listed herein:A. President. The President shall be the chief executive officer. The President shall be in general charge of and supervise the business of the Union; shall consult and advise with the Committee on the business and the affairs of the Union; shall preside over each meeting of the Committee; shall serve as chair of each General Meeting, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution; shall from time to time recommend to the Committee such measures as they may deem necessary and expedient to the good governance of the Union; shall formulate long-term strategies and goals to promote the future success and efficiency of the Union; shall execute the directives of the Committee, unless otherwise provided by the Committee; shall define clearly portfolios of responsibility for members of the Committee; shall be the only officer of the Union authorised to speak to the media on behalf of the Union; shall be the only officer of the Union authorised to sign contracts on behalf of the Union, unless otherwise ordered by the Committee; and shall serve a signatory for the Union’s bank account if one exists.
B. Vice President. The Vice President shall be the chief operations officer of the Union and shall deputise for the President. The Vice President shall, in conjunction with the President, assume responsibility for implementing operations of Union events; shall be primarily responsible for ensuring that good practices for health and safety are maintained in all Union activities; shall manage the Union’s compliance regime; shall be primarily responsible for the strategic development and operational management of the Union’s personnel; and shall perform such other duties as the President deems necessary and expedient to the good governance of the Union.
C. Secretary. The Secretary is in charge of all administrative tasks for the Union. The Secretary shall, in conjunction with the President, draft and distribute an agenda for each Committee meeting; shall notify members of the Committee of a scheduled meeting; shall maintain adequate records of the proceedings of each Committee meeting, or designate an acting recording secretary to maintain such records in the event of his absence from a Committee meeting, and oversee the transfer of such records to his successor; shall draft and distribute notice of each General Meeting; shall maintain adequate records of the proceedings of each General Meeting, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution, and oversee the transfer of such records to his successor; shall maintain records of all legal agreements into which the Union enters and oversee the transfer of such records to his successor; shall maintain a register of members of the Union, containing their names and electronic-mail addresses.
2. Appointed Officers. The elected officers may, from time to time, appoint other officers as needed to complete specific tasks or functions, to hold a portfolio decided by the elected officers, and with a term length as decided by the elected officers, to serve at the pleasure of the elected officers. The elected officers shall be able to remove from office any appointed officer.
3. Office-Holding Limitations. No two offices, whether elected or appointed, may be held concurrently.
4. Method of Election. The elected officers shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting, or by ballot at an Extraordinary General Meeting the case of casual vacancy. An officer elected to fill a casual vacancy shall serve only the remainder of their predecessor’s term. Voting shall be by the Alternative Vote.
5. Term of Office. The elected officers shall serve a term of office commencing at noon on the first day of May following their election or appointment and lasting one year.
6. Removal from Office. Elected officers may be removed by the Union for cause by a trial conducted either at Extraordinary General Meeting or by the Committee. In all cases, an officer shall be entitled to due process, and the procedure for a trial shall be determined by Standing Order.
7. Prohibition on Receiving Unfair Benefits. No member of the Committee or a subcommittee shall derive any financial profit or gain by reason of his participation on the Committee or subcommittee, including favourable rates on goods or services, unless the same benefit is available to any and all members. No member of the Committee or a subcommittee shall be entitled to free or discounted tickets or admission to any event or activity, unless the same benefit is available to any and all members.
8. Resignation. Any officer, except the Secretary, may resign at any time by giving written notice or notice by electronic transmission thereof to the Secretary; the Secretary may resign at any time by giving written notice or notice by electronic transmission thereof to the President. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therefor or if the time is not specified, upon delivery thereof; and, unless otherwise specified with respect thereto, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
9. Replacement of Removed or Resigned Committee Members. Both elected and appointed members of the committee who are removed or resign during their term will be appointed by the Union President with the consent of the remaining Committee members. This does not apply to the resignation or removal of the President, whose resignation or removal would require the holding of an Extraordinary General Meeting in order to elect a suitable replacement.
1. Composition of the Committee. The Elected Officers shall constitute the Committee. The Appointed Officers, and such persons as the Committee may co-opt, shall also serve as voting members of the Committee.2. Powers of the Committee. The Committee shall have full powers and authority over the affairs of the Union, except the power to amend the Constitution, and to elect the Elected Officers, which shall be reserved to the General Meetings of the Union.
A. Exclusive Authority. The Committee shall have the exclusive authority to approve expenditure over £150.00, and approve events or activities that pose serious risk to the Union’s reputation. The Committee shall not delegate these powers to any other person or groups, including a subcommittee of its own members.
3. Quorum. 2 elected officers shall constitute a quorum to do business at a Committee meeting. All Committee members must be given at least twenty-four hours’ notice of any Committee meeting.
4. Convention. The President shall call Committee meetings on his own volition or upon presentation to him of a written request by an elected officer.
5. Meetings. The Committee shall meet at least once in each of the months of May, July, September, November, and January. The Committee shall additionally meet at other times as required.
6. Minutes. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee shall be made publically available following their approval by the Committee.
1. Authorisation of Expenditure. The Committee may authorise any expenditure by a simple majority vote.2. Limitations on Expenditure. The Union may only expend its funds in furtherance of its aims.
3. Payment of Debts. In the event of a deficit, the debt shall be paid off by an equal subscription from all members.
1. Adoption. The Union may adopt Standing Orders with regard to the day-to-day running of the Union in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. Such Standing Orders shall be adopted and rescinded by a two-thirds majority of the voting members of the Committee or a majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting.2. Supremacy of General Meetings. The Committee may not rescind a Standing Order adopted by a General Meeting or adopt a Standing Order contrary to a previous order of a General Meeting.
1. The Union shall affiliate to any such external organisation as the Committee believe will aid the Union in pursuing its aims. External organisations shall be able to affiliate to the Union, subject to the Committee approving their affiliation.ARTICLE X. CONSTITUTION
1. Availability. A copy of this constitution shall be available at every Committee meeting and at every General Meeting of the Union.2. Amendments. A proposed alteration to this constitution shall be submitted to a General Meeting on the advice and consent of the Committee or by a duly proposed and seconded motion by any member at a General Meeting and shall be adopted with the support of two-thirds of Ordinary Members voting at a General Meeting.